
Hello. Welcome. It’s good to see you.

The John F Leonard blog? Yeah, okay. Whoop-de-woo.

When I set up the site, blogging was just about the last thing on my mind. Initially, I simply wanted something to support my books. Somewhere I could provide a little more info about my writing and offer an insight into me (if anyone was interested that is).

Plus, it was a great excuse to have a website and, let’s face it, websites are cool. That might sound a bit lame but listen, I’m old enough to remember when there weren’t websites. The chance to have one with my name on it was too good an opportunity to pass up.


Anyway, I’ve got drawn into the blogging stuff. The idea of ‘blog’ exerted a magnetic pull that I resisted manfully for quite a while. Clearly, I gave in. The blog won.

Well, a partial victory at any rate. Time is the big factor. There isn’t enough of it to do all the things I’m obliged to do and also fit in the more enjoyable pursuits. So, it’ll be sporadic and probably fairly eclectic. There’s no grand plan or strategy, I just fancy scribbling (alright, tapping) whatever random musings occur to me and I think are worth sharing (however misguided my judgement on the worthiness of those thoughts turns out to be).


I’m interested in books, writing, art – creativity in all its forms – that’s what I’ll blog about. More specifically, the categories that cover horror, science fiction, the apocalyptic, the dystopian …the darker side. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no a monster, just a normal guy with a family that I love dearly. I adore the cat and empty the bins when they’re full, do all the normal stuff.


You need a balance for all of that though. We all need to be scared now and again 🙂






